Why Do We Celebrate Celiac Disease Awareness Month?

How to Observe Celiac Disease Awareness Month

  1. Donate to Celiac Disease Research

    One of the ultimate goals of Celiac Disease Awareness month is raising funding to develop a cure. Raising awareness is fantastic, but raising money is a direct way to make a big difference. Every year, $ 1.45 billion is raised for celiac disease research, and you can contribute by donating to organizations like Beyond Celiac and the Celiac Disease Foundation.

  2. Spread awareness online

    You can spread awareness on any platform from Facebook to Instagram to an online blog. Think of how many people you’re connected with - sharing a simple post or fact about celiac disease could be monumental in spreading awareness.

  3. Share your Celiac story

    If you have experience with celiac disease, consider sharing your story this month. There are many myths and quite a bit of confusion surrounding the illness, and unfortunately, many of the individuals who may have celiac disease go untested for it. Sharing your story can help spread awareness and understanding, which ultimately improves treatment for those affected.

Why Celiac Disease Awareness Month is Important

  1. Increased Screening

    Another great way to honor this month? Go get screened if you think you have a chance of having celiac disease. You can even screen yourself with BeyondCeliac.org’s self-screening checklist. Left untreated, celiac disease can cause dangerous complications, and a whopping 97% of celiac cases are estimated to go undiagnosed in the United States. If you were looking for a reason to be screened, here it is - better to be on the safe side.

  2. Learn about the 1%

    Celiac disease affects 1% of Americans, which might not seem like a lot - until you realize that’s over 3 million people. Take celiac disease Awareness Month as an opportunity to learn about this widespread illness.

  3. It raises money for the cure

    There is currently no cure for celiac disease, and those affected have to be extremely diligent with what they eat and very aware of any symptoms arising. The money-raising campaigns and individual contributions spurred on by Celiac Disease Awareness Month are crucial to funding research that will end this disease.

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Every May, Celiac Disease Awareness Month increases the public’s knowledge of the autoimmune disorder celiac disease. According to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, “When a person who has celiac disease consumes gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, the individual’s immune system responds by attacking the small intestine and inhibiting the absorption of important nutrients into the body.” Those with the disease must adhere to a strict, no-gluten diet, as there is no current cure. Complications including infertility and osteoporosis can occur if the individual is not tested and treated, so awareness is crucial.

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