Timeline of National Lyme Disease Awareness Month 2022

National Lyme Disease Awareness Month timeline

July 2017

Lyme disease vaccine makes a comeback

The FDA grants Lyme disease vaccine candidate VLA15 "fast track designation" — allowing for further research and development.


Lyme disease vaccine is discontinued

LYMERix is withdrawn from the market because of poor sales, originally due to lack of reimbursement by insurance companies and then to rumors about adverse effects. Despite a lack of evidence that the vaccine's to blame, sales plummet.


Lyme disease vaccine arrives in the US.

SmithKline Beecham develops LYMERix, the first and only licensed vaccine against Lyme disease. Given in a three-dose series, the vaccine stimulates antibodies that attack the Lyme bacteria in the tick’s gut before it enters the body. This was about 78% effective in protecting against Lyme infection.


Doctors make first Lyme disease diagnosis

Lyme disease is diagnosed as a separate condition for the first time in Old Lyme, Connecticut.

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Just because there are dangers in this world doesn’t mean you need to change what you do — just how you do it. This May, National Lyme Disease Awareness Month invites you to enjoy the outdoors like you always would, but also to be aware of the risks involved and how to avoid them.

Some common symptoms of Lyme disease include fatigue, neck stiffness or pain, jaw discomfort, joint aches, memory loss, vision problems, and fainting. However, by covering up exposed skin, using insect repellant, and periodically checking for ticks, you can enjoy all of your normal outdoor activities. Don’t let Lyme disease ruin your adventures. Simply educate yourself on the subject and act accordingly to eliminate the problem right from the start.

Here’s your guide to National Lyme Disease Awareness Month.

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