Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month timeline
- 2019
Promising research
A Massachusetts General Hospital study found that two topical creams, used together, greatly reduce the odds for squamous cell carcinomas — the second most diagnosed form of skin cancer.
- 2009
Tanning bed trouble
The World Health Organization moved UV tanning beds to its highest cancer risk category: "carcinogenic to humans." Prior to the move, the group had classified tanning bed use as "probably carcinogenic."
- 2008
Microscopic exams
Studies determined that a procedure called "dermoscopy" is more accurate than a doctor's visual examination for identifying potential melanomas.
- 2005
Young people at risk
Research showed skin cancer – including melanoma – increased in both children and young adults. The incidence of melanoma rose 3 percent each year from 1973 to 2001 in people under 20.
- 1956
The UV connection
Australian researcher Henry Lancaster linked the sun's ultraviolet radiation to increased cases of melanoma. He was the first to measure the connection between melanoma and latitude — especially in Australia and New Zealand.
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There’s no doubt: Skin cancer’s the most common type of cancer in America — by far. Still, when treated early, it’s curable. Melanomas, while less prevalent, are more dangerous because they’re much more likely to grow and spread to other areas of the body. Learn more in May during Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month.
Remember, you can reduce your risk by limiting or avoiding exposure to sunlight. Checking your skin for suspicious changes can help detect cancer early. Note: Skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions.
Read on for tips and helpful advice on treatment and prevention.
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