Listicles National Teen Self-Esteem Month 2022

Ways Teens Can Become The Best Versions Of Themselves

  1. Accept yourself

    As Christina Aguilera once said, "you are beautiful no matter what they say."

  2. Love the people around you

    Because your family, friends, and teammates love you right back.

  3. Eat healthy

    When you fill your body with healthy, wholesome food, your mind will feel good, too.

  4. Excerise

    Exercise makes you happier, healthier, and helps you stay connected with your body and mind.

  5. Respect the planet

    When you take care of the Earth, it inspires you to take care of yourself.

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There’s no better time to inspire confidence in high school and middle school students than National Teen Self-Esteem Month. In May, we make an extra effort to counter self-worth and self-image problems teens may face. Sponsored by I Am Worth More, a nonprofit that connects teens to resources and helps them increase their positive entertainment intake, National Teen Self-Esteem Month unites teens, parents, and teachers all around the country. We come together to focus on the importance of supporting teens—helping them voice their needs, share their perspectives, and build a healthy outlook of themselves.

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